Learn to make ready wearables from recycled plastics!!
Artichoke Dance creates costumes and sets repurposing single-use plastic materials otherwise headed for the landfill. Join us in this creative practice to make your own trashion -fashion made from trash-. We’ll provide all the materials and guidance, but if you have plastic bags, straws, bottles, cups, caps, etc, feel free to bring them, we’ll put them to good use.
Dates: May 19 & 26, June 2 & 9th.
2:00pm -5:00pm
You are welcome to all the workshops or may attend to just one.
Showcase your creation at March for the Ocean on June 8 at Coney Island and at the GOWANUS VISIONS festival on June 15, or perform in the festival by joining our free movement workshops on May 18 & 25, June 1, 8 & 15.
** Workshop is FREE. No experience is necessary.**
**All ages are welcome; youth under 12 must be accompanied by an adult.**